Jumping with Force Plates
Course B


The Simplest and Fastest Way to Learn Jump Analysis with Force Plates

Watch this to learn more about the course


trusted by coaches in the following leagues


| 50 Lessons

Detailed lessons covering all relevant and necessary topics

| 6 Modules

Focused on foundational and advanced knowledge for coaches

| 2 Labs

Solidify the learning, turning science into action and understanding

| + Bonuses

Force velocity profiling, the ultimate jump framework, and more


I have been using force plates for 12 years with some of the world's best athletes.

But no one ever made them simple for me to understand.

So over the past few months I have been learning and re-learning and applying, to make them simple.

And I organized it all into this comprehensive short course for you.


Become the Jumping Expert

Learn everything from physics, phases, metrics, exercise selection and more while positioning yourself as a go-to expert on the topic.


Real Coaches, Real Reviews


What’s Inside the Course

The most comprehensive force plate course and resource


I will take the complex and overwhelming and simplify it so you can gain clarity and confidence.



While comprehensive, this course is organized to make it easy to understand and complete.



You will know how to think about and apply force plate technology to better assess and train your athletes.


Module 1

  • History
  • Physics
  • Theory
  • Applications
  • And More

Module 2

  • Phases
  • Traces
  • Case Studies
  • And More

Module 3

  • Metrics
  • Analysis
  • Phase Specific Exercises
  • And More

Module 4

  • Fatigue
  • Asymmetries
  • Modality
  • And More

Labs and Multiple Bonuses

  • Live Jump Testing Lab (1-hour or real data collection)
  • Whiteboard Lab
  • Jumping Framework
  • Force Velocity Profiling
  • Much More

You will finally learn force plates

I will make the complicated easy to understand

You're just a few hours away from understanding jumping with force plates at a high level.

The course is organized to make the complex and complicated straightforward and simple.

From research to coaching, I will translate lessons I have learned from the past 12 years.

We will cover the science and practice so you can understand and implement force plate jump testing with your athletes

Real Examples and Interpretation

You will not only walk away with an understanding of the physics, phases, and technology, but most importantly, you will know how to interpret and apply this material at a high level.


Phase-Specific Exercise Selection

We will cover each phase of the counter-movement jump and discuss specific exercises so you can target your athlete's needs.


Live Jump Testing Lab

For 1 hour, we take an athlete through all jump types while walking you through the rationale for each jump test, how to interpret the results, and more.


Meet Your Instructor

Dr. Ramsey Nijem

Hey, I’m Ramsey.

I have a passion for making high performance simple and helping coaches just like you.

With nearly 15 years in the game, I have had some amazing experiences in my career thus far:

  • Masters Degree in Sport Performance at age 22
  • Assistant S&C Coach in NBA at age 23
  • Youngest Head S&C in NBA History at age 25
  • Doctorate in Human and Sport Performance at age 27
  • NCAA Division 1 NCAA National Champion at age 30

Additionally, I am building Applied Performance, a coaching education company and community, where I help coaches, trainers, physical therapists, and others level up their knowledge, careers, and impact!


How Much Does It Cost

For context, you *could* pay a few hundred dollars for an hour of my time over a Zoom call for a private coaching or consulting session, during which we would cover maybe 5% of what is packed into this course.

Another way to think about this course is as an investment in accelerating your learning and saving you time and money long term. Essentially I did all the heavy lifting of learning and packaged it into this course for you.







  • 50 On-Demand Lessons
  • 6 Modules
  • Live Jump Testing Lab (1 hour of real-time data collection covering every jump type)
  • Whiteboard Lab
  • Jumping Framework
  • Force Velocity Profiling
  • Much More Content
  • Lifetime Access to Course
  • Discount to APC Annual Summit
  • Join APC Community and Network

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I want an investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you. So, if you watch the video lessons, complete the tasks, and still don’t find the course useful, drop me an email and I’ll happily refund your full payment within 30 days of purchasing the course.

Frequently Asked Questions